Mental Health Nursing Scientist
Mental Health Nursing | Mental Health | Digital Health | First Nations Social & Emotional Wellbeing | Menopause
Mental Health Nursing | Mental Health | Digital Health | First Nations Social & Emotional Wellbeing | Menopause
Professor Rhonda Wilson [RN CMHN BNSc (JCU) MN(Hons) (UNE) PhD (UNE)] is an internationally recognised mental health nursing scientist with a research focus on digital health interventions. She is Professor of Mental Health Nursing at RMIT University, Australia, where she leads an innovative digital mental health nursing laboratory, including supervising PhD students. She is a Registered Nurse and a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse in Australia and has worked across various roles as a clinical nurse, researcher and academic in Australia, Denmark and New Zealand over the past 35 years.
Rhonda is a vigorous advocate and activist for the promotion of cultural safety and decolonisation in our education and health institutions.
She has published extensively in international journals, books and conferences. She has a track record of leading national and international mental health mixed methods research programs, including using methods suited to priority populations, and First Nations peoples. She has a depth of experience in the development and management of funded large-scale multinational digital mental health tailored and implemented studies.
Rhonda has worked in a wide range of rural and regional clinical registered nursing roles throughout Northern Queensland, North Western Victoria, South Western Queensland and returning to the New England of NSW region in 2005. She commenced her academic career as a lecturer in mental health nursing at UNE in 2008, leaving in 2016 for a post in Denmark as Associate Professor and Director of a Telepsychiatric Research Centre at the University of Southern Denmark. Her leadership was instrumental in driving national implementation of digital solutions including an innovative model of care in telepsychiatry for mild to moderate psychiatric conditions as treatment as usual.
Back in Australia, and during lockdown restrictions at the height of a Covid-19 outbreak in Walgett, NSW 2021, she partnered with Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service and her university colleagues, to go to Walgett to undertake an early humanitarian vaccination campaign to provide urgent protection for the Walgett community.
As a senior academic with leadership experience having worked for six universities, Rhonda continues with a wide international and national network and program of research based remotely on the traditional Darkinjung Country, Central Coast NSW, Australia, working for RMIT University.
She is the current President of the peak body, Australian College of Mental Health Nurses.
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Higgins, O., Sheather-Reid, R., Chalup, S., & Wilson, R.L.(2024) Disproportionate mental health presentations to Emergency Departments in a coastal regional community in Australia or First Nations people. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Francis, C.J., Hazelton, M., & Wilson, R.L. 2024. Supported decision-making interventions in mental healthcare: a systematic review of evidence on the outcomes for people with mental ill health. Health Expectations
Wilson, J., Heinsch, M., Buykx, P., Ticker, C., Gupta, R., Clancy, R., Brosnan, C., Wilson, R., Rutherford, J., Sampson, D., Paolucci, F., & Kay-Lambton, F. 2024. Measuring factors associated with telehealth use by people who use mental health services: A psychometric analysis of a Theoretical Domains Framework questionnaire Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare
Paisley, K., Sadler, S., West, M., Godwin, S., Wilson, R.L., Seale, A., & Chuter, V. Determining health professional students’ self-perceived cultural capability following participation in clinical placement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: A systematic review, Journal of Foot and Ankle Research.
Higgins, O., Wilson, R.L., & Chalup, S. (2024) Using Machine Learning to Assist Decision Making in the Assessment of Mental Health Consumers Presenting to Emergency Departments, Digital Health
Higgins, O., Sheather-Reid, R., Chalup, S. & Wilson, R.L. (2024) Sociodemographic Factors and Presentation Features of Individuals Seeking Mental Health Care in Emergency Departments: A Retrospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Margetts, J., Hazelton, M., Santangelo, P., Yorke, J., & Wilson, R.L. (2024) Measurement of resilience to support therapeutic interventions in the clinical setting: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Finch, T.L., Potthoff, S., May, C.R. et al. (Wilson, R.L. contributor) (2024) How is tailored implementation undertaken using a self-guided toolkit? Qualitative study of the ItFits-toolkit in the ImpleMentAll project. Implementation Science 19, 48 (2024).
Hiyare, A., Sinka, V., Dal Grande, E., Kerr, M., Kim, S., Mallitt, K., Texeira-Pinto, A., Jaure, A., Wilson, R.L., Dickson, M., Craig, J., & Stephens. J. (2024) The cultural safety of reports of research on primary health service use by Indigenous Peoples: a systematic review. BMC Health Service Research
Jojo, N & Wilson, R.L (2024) Disability nursing practice in Australia: An Integrated review International of Mental Health Nursing
Higgins, O., Chalup, S., & Wilson, R.L. (2024) Machine Learning Model Reveals Determinators for Admission to Acute Mental Health Wards from Emergency Department Presentations International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Tehan, P., Browne, K., Matterson, G., Cheng, A., Dawson, S., Graves, N., Johnson, D., Kiernan, M., Madhuvu, A., Marshall, C., McDonagh, J., Northcote, M., O’Connor, J., Orr, L., Rawson, L., Russo, P., Sim, J., Stewardson, A.J., Wallace, J., White, N., Wilson, R., & Mitchell, B. (2024) Oral Care Practices and hospital-acquired pneumonia prevention: A national survey of Australian Nurses, Infection, Disease & Health
Higgins, O., Chalup, S., & Wilson, R.L. (2024) Trustworthiness and Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovation in the nursing context. Journal of Nursing Research (SAGE)
Francis, C., Johnson, A., & Wilson, R.L (2024) Supported decision-making in treatment planning for people seeking mental health care: research status and implementation barriers, a systematic review, Health Expectations
Patterson, C., Blackburn, J., Jojo, N., Northam, H., Wallis, E., Hind, A., Caulfield, R., Barratt, M., Toohey, K., Kavangh, P., Bacon, R., Langford, T., & Wilson, R.L. (2024) Understanding the needs and preferences for cancer care among First Nations people: A systematic review of the empirical literature, Journal of Advanced Nursing DOI: 10.1111/jan.15968
Atem, J., Gumuskaya, O., & Wilson, R.L. (2024) Digital mental health interventions used for the mental health care of refugees and asylum seekers: Integrative literature review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Francis, C.J., Edan, V. & Wilson, R.L. (2023) A new, national voice for people with experience of mental ill health and potential for allyship. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 00, 1–2. Available from: ht t p s: //d o i.or g /10.1111/ i n m .1326 6
Lojszczyk, A., Wilson, R., Woods, J., & Hutton, A. (2023) Motivational Characteristics of Recreational Drug Use Among Emerging Adults in Music Festival, Nightlife and Party Settings: An Integrative Literature Review. Frontiers in Public Health
Rooney, E., Johnson, A., & Wilson, R.L. (2023) Integration of Traditional Therapies for First Nations people in Australia within Western Healthcare: An Integrative Review Contemporary Nurse 1–17..
Sadler, S., Gerrard, J., Seale, A., Lanting, S., West, M., Wilson, R.L., Ginige, A., Yu Fang, A., & Chuter, V. (2023) The use of mobile health (mHealth) applications for the assessment and management of diabetes-related foot health outcomes: a systematic review Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25:e47608 URL: DOI: 10.2196/47608
Chu, G., Silva, C., Adams, K., Chacko, B., Attia, J., Nathan, N., Wilson, R.L. (2023) Exploring the factors affecting home dialysis patients' participation in telehealth‐ assisted home visits: a mixed‐methods study. Journal of Renal Care, 1–10.
Gregor, S., Imran, A., Okai-Ugbaje, I., Jeffery, C.P., Gunnawardena, M., & Wilson, R.L., (2023) Indigenous Knowledge Sharing Interventions in Australia and the Use of Information and Communication Technology: A Scoping Review, Australian Journal of Information Systems
Gümüşkaya, O., Şen, S., Işık, I., Ayaz, V., Arslan Özkan, H., Wilson, R.L.,2023. Urban Share of the “Burden”: Impact of a Support Organisation on Caregiver Burden of People Affected by Dementia. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 2023, 1–8.
Cronin, C., Bidwell, G., J Carey, J., Donevant, S., Hughes, K., Kaunonen, M., Marcussen, J., & Wilson, R.L. (2023) Exploring digital interventions to facilitate coping and alleviate discomfort for nurses experiencing menopause in the workplace. An international qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing DOI: 10.1111/jan.15679
(Wilson, R.L., contributor) Vis C, Schuurmans J, Aouizerate B, Atipei Craggs M, Batterham P, Bührmann L, Calear A, Cerga Pashoja A, Christensen H, Dozeman E, Duedal Pedersen C, Ebert DD, Etzelmueller A, Fanaj N, Finch TL, Hanssen D, Hegerl U, Hoogendoorn A, Mathiasen K, May C, Meksi A, Mustafa S, O'Dea B, Oehler C, Piera-Jiménez J, Potthoff S, Qirjako G, Rapley T, Rosmalen J, Sacco Y, Samalin L, Skjoth MM, Tarp K, Titzler I, Van der Eycken E, van Genugten CR, Whitton A, Zanalda E, Smit JH, Riper H. Effectiveness of Self-guided Tailored Implementation Strategies in Integrating and Embedding Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Routine Mental Health Care: Results of a Multicenter Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial. J Med Internet Res. 2023 Feb 3;25:e41532. doi: 10.2196/41532. PMID: 36735287; PMCID: PMC9938445.
Wilson, R.L. & Higgins, O. (2023). The continued importance of Mental Health Nurses engaging with social media and related emerging technologies. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing Article ID: INM_13129 Article DOI: 10.1111/INM.13129
Wilson, R.L., Higgins, O., Atem, J., Donaldson, A., Gildberg, F., Hooper, M.E., Hopwood, M., Rosado, S., Solomon, B., Ward, K., & Welsh, B. (2023) Artificial Intelligence (AI): An eye cast towards the mental health nursing horizon. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 10.1111/inm.13121
Higgins, O., Chalup, S., Short, B, & Wilson, R.L. (2023) Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based decision support systems in mental health: An integrative review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 10.1111/inm.13114
Hutton, A., Conlon, L., Kako, M., Wilson, R.L., Hammad, K., Olson, S., Stewart, D., & Ranse, J. (2023) Exploring Advanced Nursing Practice in Disasters, Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing 10.1017/s1049023x23002595
Higgins, O., Chalup, S., Short, B, & Wilson, R.L.(2023) Interpretations of Innovation: The intersection of technological advancement and psychosis. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
Gildberg, F.A., & Wilson, R.L. (2023) Scientific modeling in qualitative research: Accounting for scientific models generated through a textual thematic analysis coding system. Part 1. Nurse Researcher doi: 10.7748/nr.2023.e1860
Gildberg, F.A., & Wilson, R.L. (2023) Scientific modeling in qualitative research: Accounting for scientific models generated through a textual thematic analysis coding system. Part 2. Nurse Researcher 10.7748/nr.2023.e1893
Wilson, R.L., Hutton, A. & Fourer, M. (2022) Promoting mental health recovery by design: Physical, procedural and relational security in the context of the mental health built environment. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.
Hove, E., Hazelton, M., Santangelo, P., Wilson, R.L. (2022) Integrative nursing models of care required to support people with combined mental health and substance use disorders within mental health services: A narrative literature review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Tingleff, E.B., Rowaert, S., Vinding, S., Vestphal, T.K., Wilson, R.L., & Gildberg, F.A. (2022) “It’s still our child”. A qualitative interview study with parent carers in forensic mental health Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
Francis, C., Johnson, A., & Wilson, R.L. (2022) The personal cost of repetitive mental health inquiries that fail to result in change, Collegian.
Jensen, A.M., Wilson, R.L., Pedersen, B. D., & Hounsgaard, L. & Tingleff E.B. (July 2022). The nursing care of people with dementia in an orthopaedic acute care setting. An integrative literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing
McGough, S., Wynaden, D., Gower, S., Duggan, R., Wilson, R., (2022). There is no health without cultural safety: Why cultural safety matters. Contemporary Nurse 1–15. doi:10.1080/10376178.2022.2027254
Wilson, R.L., Atem, J.M., Gumuskaya, O., Lavdas, M., Šošić, B., Urek, M., (2022). A call for nurses and interdisciplinary collaborators to urgently respond to the health and well‐being needs of refugees across the world. Journal of Advanced Nursing.doi:10.1111/jan.15134
Endalamaw, A., Assefa, Y., Geremew, D., Belete, H., Dachew, B.A., Belachew, A., Animaw, W., Habtewold, T.D., Wilson, R., (2021). Disclosure of HIV seropositivity to sexual partner in Ethiopia: A systematic review. Women's Health 17, 174550652110630.. doi:10.1177/17455065211063021
Rooney, E. J., Johnson, A., Jeong, S. Y., & Wilson, R. L. (2021). Use of traditional therapies in palliative care for Australian First Nations peoples: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Ferris‐Day, P., Hoare, K., Wilson, R. L., Minton, C., & Donaldson, A. (2021). An integrated review of the barriers and facilitators for accessing and engaging with mental health in a rural setting. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.
Hutton, A., Wilson, R., & Foureur, M. (2021). Comfort Equals Nurturing: Young People Talk About Mental Health Ward Design. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 193758672110226.
Christensen, L.F., Wilson, R., Hansen, J.P., Nielsen, C.T., Gildberg, F.A., 2021. A qualitative study of patients’ and providers’ experiences with the use of videoconferences by older adults with depression. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. doi:10.1111/inm.12803
(Wilson, R.L., contributor) Bührmann, L., Schuurmans, J., Ruwaard, J., Fleuren, M., Etzelmüller, A., Piera-Jiménez, J., Finch, T., Rapley, T., Potthoff, S., Aouizerate, B., Batterham, P. J., Calear, A., Christensen, H., Pedersen, C. D., Ebert, D. D., Van Der Eycken, E., Fanaj, N., Van Genugten, C., Hanssen, D., … Vis, C. (2020). Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. Trials, 21(1).
Cronin, C., Hungerford, C., Wilson, R.L., 2020. Using Digital Health Technologies to Manage the Psychosocial Symptoms of Menopause in the Workplace: A Narrative Literature Review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 1–8. doi:10.1080/01612840.2020.1827101
Geia, L., Baird, K., Bail, K., Barclay, L., Bennett, J., Best, O., Birks, M., Blackley, L., Blackman, R., Bonner, A., Bryant AO, R., Buzzacott, C., Campbell, S., Catling, C., Chamberlain, C., Cox, L., Cross, W., Cruickshank, M., Cummins, A., Dahlen, H., Daly, J., Darbyshire, P., Davidson, P., Denney-Wilson, E., De Souza, R., Doyle, K., Drummond, A., Duff, J., Duffield, C., Dunning, T., East, L., Elliott, D., Elmir, R., Fergie Oam, D., Ferguson, C., Fernandez, R., Flower Am, D., Foureur, M., Fowler, C., Fry, M., Gorman, E., Grant, J., Gray, J., Halcomb, E., Hart, B., Hartz, D., Hazelton, M., Heaton, L., Hickman, L., Homer Ao, C.S.E., Hungerford, C., Hutton, A., Jackson AO, D., Johnson, A., Kelly, M.A., Kitson, A., Knight, S., Levett-Jones, T., Lindsay, D., Lovett, R., Luck, L., Molloy, L., Manias, E., Mannix, J., Marriott, A.M.R., Martin, M., Massey, D., Mccloughen, A., Mcgough, S., Mcgrath, L., Mills, J., Mitchell, B.G., Mohamed, J., Montayre, J., Moroney, T., Moyle, W., Moxham, L., Northam Oam, H., Nowlan, S., O'Brien, A.P., Ogunsiji, O., Paterson, C., Pennington, K., Peters, K., Phillips, J., Power, T., Procter, N., Ramjan, L., Ramsay, N., Rasmussen, B., Rihari-Thomas, J., Rind, B., Robinson, M., Roche, M., Sainsbury, K., Salamonson, Y., Sherwood, J., Shields, L., Sim, J., Skinner, I., Smallwood, G., Smallwood, R., Stewart, L., Taylor, S., Usher Am, K., Virdun, C., Wannell, J., Ward, R., West, C., West, R., Wilkes, L., Williams, R., Wilson, R.L., Wynaden, D., Wynne, R., 2020. A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: ensuring that Black lives matter. Contemporary Nurse 1–12.. doi:10.1080/10376178.2020.1809107
Wilson, R.L., Carryer, J., Dewing, J., Rosado, S., Gildberg, F., Hutton, A., Johnson, A., Kaunonen, M., Sheridan, N., 2020. The state of the nursing profession in the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife 2020 during COVID‐19: A Nursing Standpoint. Nursing Philosophy 21.. doi:10.1111/nup.12314
Wilson, R.L (2020) Digital technology: Why nurses need to be at the centre of new developments in digital technology. Nurse Researcher28(2): 6-8. DOI:10.7748/nr.28.2.6.s2
Marcussen, J., Hounsgaard, L., O,Connor, M., Thuen, F., & Wilson, R.L., & Hounsgaard, L. (2020) (early online) Double bereavement, mental health consequences and support needs of children and young adults ‐ when a divorced parent dies, Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Jensen, A., Pedersen, B.D., Bang Olsen, R., Hounsgaard, L. & Wilson, R.L. (2019) Nurses experiences of delivering acute orthopaedic care to patients with dementia, International Journal of Older People Nursing.14(4)e12271
Marcussen, J., Thuen, F., Bruun, P., Hounsgaard, L, & Wilson, R.L. (2019) (early online) Parental death in young adults with divorced compared to non-divorced parents: The effect on prolonged grief and mental health. Death Studies.
Marcussen, J., Thuen, F., Bruun, P., Wilson, R.L., & Hounsgaard, L. (2019) The Divorced Family Focused Care Model: A nursing model to enhance child and family mental health and well-being of bereaved children following parental divorce and subsequent parental cancer and death. Journal of Family Nursing.
Tingleff, E.B., Hounsgaard, L., Bradley, S.K., Wilson, R.L., & Gildberg, F. (2019) A Matter of Trust and Distrust: A Qualitative Investigation of Parents' Perceptions About the Use of Mechanical Restraint on Their Adult Children in a Forensic Psychiatric Setting. Journal of Forensic Nursing 15(2):120-130 DOI: 10.1097/JFN.0000000000000237
Lichtenstein, M.B., Dervisevic, A., Eg, J., Wilson, R.L., Wesselhöft, R. (2019). A psychometric evaluation of the automatic thoughts questionnaire in Danish adolescents and emerging adults Nordic Psychology 0(0):1-14 DOI: 10.1080/19012276.2019.1604252
Nielsen, A.S, & Wilson, R.L.(2019). Combining e-mental health intervention development with human computer interaction (HCI) design to enhance technology-facilitated recovery for people with depression and/or anxiety conditions: An integrative literature review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/inm.12527
Jensen, A.M, Pedersen, B.D., Bang Olsen, R., Hounsgaard, L. & Wilson, R.L. (2018) “If only they could understand me!” Acute hospital care experiences of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia.0(0): 1-22 DOI: 10.1177/1471301218820483
Wilson, R.L. (2018). The right way for nurses to prescribe, administer and critique digital therapies. Contemporary Nurse Journal. DOI:
Shaw, A., Paul, D., Billingsley, W., Kwan, P & Wilson, R.L. (2017). Gamification in E-mental health: Development of a digital intervention addressing severe mental illness and metabolic syndrome. 8th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society 2017 Sydney, Australia, Internet Technologies & Society Proceedings full paper. (pp1-8).
Wilson, R.L., & Usher, K. (2017) Social media recruitment strategies for health research participation. Nurse ResearcherRCNi. 25 (3):36-41. DOI: 10.7748/nr.2017.e1478
Wilson, R.L. (2016) An Aboriginal perspective on ‘Closing the Gap’ from the rural front line. Rural and Remote Health. 16:3693
Alharbi, J., Wilson, R.L., Woods, C., & Usher, K. (2016). The factors influencing burnout and job dissatisfaction among Saudi critical care nurses in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Nursing Management. 24:708–717 (IF 1.5). DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12386
Wilson, R.L. & Armstrong, M. (2016) International networks: The usefulness of conference meetings and site visits for progressing nursing practice of youth in mental health care. Mental Health Practice RCNi19(9) 34-37. DOI: 10.7748/mhp.19.9.34.s22
Ranse, J., Hutton, A. Wilson, R.L., & Usher, K. (2015). Leadership Opportunities for Mental Health Nurses in the Field of Disaster Preparation, Response, and Recovery Issues in Mental Health Nursing 36:391–394. (IF1.7) DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2015.1017062
Wilson, R.L. & Hungerford, C. (2015). Mental Health Case-Based Simulation and Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in Pre-Registration Nursing Education: Following the leaders? Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 36:379–387. DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2014.1002647
Wilson, R.L., Wilson, G.G. & Usher, K. (2015). Rural mental health ecology: A framework for engaging with mental health social capital in rural communities. EcoHealth12(3): 412-420. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-015-1037-0
Wilson, R.L. & Usher, K. (2015) Rural nurses: A convenient co-location strategy for rural mental health care of young people. Journal of Clinical Nursing 24: 2638–2648. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.12882
Paliadelis, P., Stupens, I., Parker, V., Piper, D., Gillan, P., Lea, J., Jarrott, H.M., Wilson, R.L., Hudson, J.N. & Fagan, A. (2015). The development and evaluation of online stories to enhance clinical learning experiences across health professions in rural Australia. Collegian, 22(4) 397-403 DOI: 10.1016/j.colegn.2014.08.003
Happell, B., Wilson, R. L., & McNamara, P. (2015). Undergraduate mental health nursing education in Australia: More than Mental Health First Aid. Collegian, 22(4), 433-438 DOI: 10.1016/j.colegn.2014.07.003
Ranse, J., Hutton, A., Jeeawody, B., & Wilson, R. L. (2014). What are the research priorities for the field of disaster nursing? An international Delphi study. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 29(5), 1-7. DOI:10.1017/S1049023X14000946
Wilson, R. L. (2014). Mental health recovery and quilting: Evaluation of a grass-roots community project in a small, rural Australian Christian church. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 35: 1-7 (IF 1.7) DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2014.886089
Usher, K., Woods, C., Casella, E., Glass, N., Wilson, R. L., Mayner, L., Jackson, D., Brown, J., Duffy, E., Mather, C., Cummings, E., & Irwin, P. (2014). Australian health professions student use of social media. Collegian. 21(2): 95-101 DOI:10.1016/j.colegn.2014.02.004
Wilson, R. L., Ranse, J., Cashin, A., & McNamara, P. (2014). Nurses and Twitter: The good, the bad, and the reluctant. Collegian 21(2): 111-119. DOI: 10.1016/j.colegn.2013.09.003
Wilson, R. L., Cruickshank, M., & Lea, J. (2012). Experiences of families who help young rural men with emergent mental health problems in a rural community in New South Wales, Australia. Contemporary Nurse, 42(2), 167-177. DOI:10.5172/conu.2012.42.2.167
Boyd, C. P., Hayes, L., Wilson, R. L., & Bearsley-Smith, C. (2008). Harnessing the social capital of rural communities for youth mental health: An asset-based community development framework. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 16, 189-193. DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1584.2008.00996.x
Wilson, R. L. (2007). Out back and out-of-whack: issues related to the experience of early psychosis in the New England region, New South Wales, Australia. Rural and Remote Health, 7(715), 1-6.
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